The adult brain remains open to change throughout its lifespan. Most people pay little attention to the flow of thoughts, yet what flows through our mind literally sculpts our brain. Our unconscious mental programs (or thought, feelings and core beleifs) influence the way we think, feel and behave. These mental programs are usually formed in childhood, and if we are unaware or haven’t updated them we may not realize that these beliefs no longer serve us.
We can be unknowingly run by old beliefs, worn out faulty thinking and repetitive habits that are long overdue for a renovation. By focusing our attention and becoming more conscious of our inner experiences we can use the mind to change or re-wiring the brain. One of the best ways to practice this is through mindfulness practices such as meditation and psychotherapy. Mindfulness-based psychotherapy and meditation can assist you to change and improve your thoughts, moods and behaviour.
Mindfulness a stream of moment to moment focused awareness, without judgement. Non-judgemental observation disarms the reactive defences and fosters an open attitude, increasing our ability to respond effectively. With practice it becomes a way of life as we become more aware and present to the fullness of each and every moment.
Meditation can help you purposefully cultivate positive healthy states of mind. When practiced these healthy states of mind become the normal or habitual ways of being and relating. Meditation can slow down the aging process, improve memory, decrease stress, improve health, improve sleep, and normalize blood pressure.
The brain is a social organ; our social interactions shape our neural connections and structure of the brain. The way we communicate and interact with others alters its circuitry. That’s why therapy works.
When our minds torture us through anxiety and depression, we often seek help from trained professional. Mindfulness-based psychotherapy, meditation or hypnosis can help.
Depression – Our brains have a negative bias in-built to protect us from danger. The brain is like Velcro for negative experiences and Teflon for positive ones. Consequently even if our lives are good we can still feel pessimistic, leading to depression in susceptible people. To change this we need to focus on the positive and learn to take in the good experiences that nourish us. Accept painful experiences, and pay attention to all that is positive with our life so we focus more on the supportive thoughts and feelings.
Anxiety /chronic worry– some metal and physical pain in life is inevitable, these are the first darts. The second darts are the ones we throw at ourselves; this is where most suffering occurs. In our reactions we add to the suffering or create pain in harmless or even positive situations. Some common examples are getting angry over small stuff, road rage, worrying what other people think of us, or brushing off a compliment with negative thinking.
Want to feel better or gain more from life?
Heather Cavill Greer is a Mindfulness-based Ppsychotherapist and Clinical hypnotherapist with many years’ experience. Heather offers one on one sessions in meditation, Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy, Mindfulness-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Clinical Hypnosis, most people feel better within 3-6 sessions.
For a free 20 minute consultation either call or book with Heather on 0405 821 880.