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Psychothrapy & Counselling

Although Counselling and Psychotherapy overlap, there are some differences. Counsellors generally focus on specific behavioural solution focused problems or life changes such as bereavement or addictions, whereas Psychotherapists focus more upon restructuring of the client’s internal processes such as thinking, feeling and core belief’s.  Psychotherapy generally takes a longer period of time, depending on the clients needs.


Counselling and Psychotherapy is invaluable for treating any crisis situation, management of stress, grief and trauma, relationship or family problems and any emotional or psychological problems. Therapy sessions may be for an individual, a couple, a family or a group, as required.

Consultations are confidential, professional and usually up to an hour in length. Frequency of consultations will depend upon the style of Counselling utilised and the severity of the problem presented and may be either short-term or long-term. Therapy is usually offered face to face but can also be available by telephone, or skype.

Psychologist Session


Counselling is often a short term process that focuses on a behavioural change or facilitation of a transition usually over 3-6 sessions. Ideal if

  • It is a relatively new problem that is contained within a specific set of circumstances.

  • you'd rather look at your thoughts and behaviour with a minimum amount of time commitment.


If so choose solution focused counselling, or coaching or hypnotherapy.

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Psychotherapy is a longer term process that considers your life experiences and how they influence the present and delves deeper into the root cause of a presenting issue. Usually over 6 sessions plus. Ideal if

  • If this a recurring problem in your life

  • it’s important to you that you figure out the underlying issues or root cause

  • you recognise you get stuck in certain patterns and want to change the way you respond 

Relationship Counselling

Relationships challenge us, all the unhealed wounded parts arise when life becomes more stressful and we experience events outside our control. Many couples find themselves stuck in repeating behavioural patterns and arguments. 


Problems within relationships can stem from family patterns, or challenges you may have experienced in your childhood as well as current issues.

Sustaining a conscious relationship requires that both participants choose to be there. A conscious relationship is journey not a destination.

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Trauma Therapy

When a person experiences trauma, the brain becomes overwhelmed and the normal functioning thinking brain is temporarily disrupted as instinct kicks in. In our primitive state this was useful helping us to fight, flee or play dead in the face of threat (this is known as the flight, fight or freeze response). However in our modern lives trauma impacts us very differently, it is often less overt and it is usually persistent, repetitive and invasive. 


Regardless, ANY kind of trauma inhibits the usual processing of events by the brain, causing memory to be incomplete with distortions occurring and people will most likely experience some symptoms of emotional distress, hyper-reactivity, hyper-vigilance, anxiety and sometimes physical body-based symptoms.

Have you experienced any of the folowing?

Trauma results when we find ourselves in situations that challenge our ability to have control over our circumstances or our lives. This includes experiences in childhood or through out our lives of;

  • physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse,

  • physical or emotional neglect, or

  • parental separation/divorce


Or growing up with a parent who;

  • suffered from mental illness

  • was substance dependent

  • had been incarcerated, or

  • was a perpetrator or victim of domestic violence


Additionally trauma also occurs as a result of;

  • physical injury

  • death of loved ones

  • unforeseen redundancy or financial losses

  • bulling

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Re-wiring the brain

The brain is particularly relevant to trauma. The subconcious part of the brain instinctively engages during times of threat and it focuses on avoiding danger. During frightening experiences the rest of the brain tends to go offline. In the body the stress hormone adrenaline is released causing an increase in blood pressure and heart rate and increasing glucose in the muscles in order to assist the flight or fight response. At the conclusion of the stressful event animals manage to literally physically shake of the adrenal overload. However, humans are less successful at managing this leaving trauma to remain un-integrated and unconsciously stuck in the body and in the brain. When that happens a person’s memory, emotions, and physical health will be compromised.

There are different ways to work with trauma;

  • Mindfulness & Somatic-based psychotherapy

  • EMDR

  • ACT, DBT

  • IST

  • Brainspotting

Lotus Centre, Brookvale

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