The Lotus Centre is an Integrative Health and Well-being multi-disciplinary Centre. Our Practitioners and Therapists are available 6 days a week. They are small business owners who work as a team to provide high quality natural healthcare, therapeutic and well-being services.

Maxine Rosenfield
MRes., Grad Dip Couns,, Dip Training and Learning Development
Supervision for Counsellors
Educational Presentations
Hon Life Member and accredited supervisor PACFA
Available Tues by appointment
PH: 0414 814 861

Over 30 years of experience as a counsellor, 25 years as a supervisor.
Sessions can take place via Face To Face, Telephone or videoconference.
Approved WorkCover Counsellor for Workers' Compensation Clients.
Approved by Medibank Private, Australian Unity and Defence Health, Carers NSW www.carersnsw.org.au and Cancer Counselling Professionals Inc www.cancercounselling.com.au

Maxine uses integrated therapeutic techniques including brief solution- focused therapy, transactional analysis and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Maxine believes that anyone can change any aspect of their life or behaviour if they wish to. In just a few sessions, Maxine helps clients to find strategies to help themselves through greater self awareness and understanding and by recognising and seeking to change any unhelpful patterns of behaviour. Most clients initially attend for 6-8 sessions.
Maxine has expertise at working with a wide range of life experiences including cancer, chronic illness, relationships, grief and loss, bereavement, including pet berevement, carers challenges, addictions

Lecturing and training
Maxine teaches Masters of Counselling students at the University of Canberra and delivers webinars and jworkshops for a variety of audiences in person and online, including the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA), The Australian Counselling Association (ACA), the Australasian Association of Supervision and legal firms.
Maxine is a PACFA accredited supervisor who works with counselling students and experienced counsellors, to support their on-going development and emotional well- being in their work with clients.
Maxine works individually and leads supervision groups, both in person and online.

Published Works
Books include:
Contributing chapter about telephone counselling in the Handbook of Counselling and Therapy 5th ed (Sage, 2023)
‘Counselling by Telephone: A Handbook for practitioners’ (Palgrave Macmillan 2013), www.palgravemacmillan.com.au
‘Counselling by Telephone’ (Sage), www.sagepub.com
Co-author ‘Cancer At Your Fingertips’, (McGraw-Hill) www.mheducation.com.au/
Co-author’ Breast Cancer Answers at Your Fingertips’ (Class) www.classhealth.co.uk